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Let me tell you how I feel and why I think I am the “Ultimate Environmentalist”. I have spent all of my life on Long Island, I have been married for more than 30 years and have four children. These are the primary reasons I have taken a strong stand on the Environmental Issues. My commitment to my family and you the customer is to protect the environment. I am doing this through education and proper application. I continue to attend seminars to educate myself on these serious issues. I feel very confident and positive about what is going to happen in the 2014 Season. We continue to use a state of the art integrated pest management spray vehicle, which was designed with several different tanks to apply different chemicals at one time. We no longer blanket spray properties. With this approach we have reduced pesticides again therefore ensuring you, the customer, a safer approach to pest and diseases in the landscape. We use organic and natural chemical whenever possible.

We have always taken an extremely cautious stand when it comes to the use of pesticides. When new products come out we learn the good and the bad about each product and use Cornell Co-Operative Extension Recommendations. There is an abundance of information available- all you need to do is get involved and I have done just that!

I have been an officer and now a member of the NASSAU/SUFFOLK LANDSCAPE GARDENERS ASSOCIATION for several years and am very proud of my position as President of this Association from 1995 through 1997 seasons.I am a member of the Professional Certified Applicators of Long Island. I am also a New York State Applicator and have a New York State Registered Business and receive 100 hours of classroom instruction per year.

I work each day in the Environment to enhance it and this is why we will continue to improve our Turf and Tree Care Program.


What does this mean to you? If you ask 10 different people in the Landscape Industry what IPM is you will get 10 different answers. IPM is a dynamic concept with a primary goal of optimizing pest prevention and control in an economic and ecological sound way – in simple terms, Plant and Turf Health Care. Over the past few years we have been implementing plant and turf health care. I am confident that IPM is the way to go! The tools to implementing this program are right at our fingertips.


To reduce pesticide use by using environmentally friendly products, which means biologically based pesticides that break down in the future. I must invest time to learn the behavior of the pests in the landscape by monitoring their behavior.

QUESTIONS – We should ask

Plant Location – Is the plant in the right location?
Plant Choice – Is this plant resistant to pests?
Positive Pest Identification – Infestation – beginning, middle, or end.
Pest Population
Soil Conditions – Check for Mineral deficiency.
Seed Selection- Use a high quality seed that is pest and disease resistant.


Visual Observation - Monitoring and Scouting the Pest in the Landscape
Knowing the Window of Opportunity for Pest Termination – by using visual observation or growing degree days and if necessary soil tests.

Let me assure you, I will be taking every resource available to me to accomplish the goal of IPM in the Landscape. Communication is the key to the success of this program. My definition of The Ultimate Environmentalist – Someone who takes the time to attend seminars, meetings and work side by side with the environment each day. If you have any questions regarding IPM or anything I have discussed here – please feel free to contact me at any time.


What we have learned in our observations is that soil is much like the human body. If we want to prevent disease and insect infestation we must maintain proper soil conditions. Many soil conditions suffer from what we call mineral deficiency. For many years we have allowed different situations to occur that has depleted our soil of its minerals, therefore, allowing disease and other unhealthy activities to take place. If we can build up the soil immune system by putting these essential minerals back into the soil through nutrition we can eliminate the use of pesticide in many situations. We have accomplished part of our goal. With proper application and timing we have learned that we can prevent disease and unhealthy conditions in the landscape with nutrition.


Core aeration is the process of mechanically removing plugs of soil and thatch from a lawn. Core aeration reduces soil compaction. It allows oxygen to get into the soil and allows natural growth enhancement to the turf. With this process we have found that the turf requires less herbicides and pesticides during the growing season. Core aeration reduces water run - off to strengthen roots making them more tolerant to drought and heat. If your soil has particular high clay content a Core Aerator will probably work best.


The Neighbor Notification Law is a good change. Many Landscape Companies are finding ways around not doing the Neighbor Notification. We continue to comply with this new regulation. I believe that we use fewer pesticides when we spray properly and directly to the foliage. Neighbor Notification is only necessary for all airborne material. The active ingredient is of no concern. I believe by continuing foliage spraying and going after the target organism at the right time, will decrease the amount of pesticide applications. The most effective way to control pest in the environment is through foliage absorption, not systemically. It’s important that we be notified of any neighbor changes throughout the year, so that we may properly notify them.